Monday, 19 September 2011

The Great UK Mobile Data Scam - Don't Get Caught Out

Some things just come at you out of the blue and catch you unawares and that's what's happening to many people who have mobile data contracts and if you're not careful you to could become a victim.

What I'm talking about is using more data (Facebook, Web Browsing, Email and any other Internet related stuff) than your contract allows and then being charged through the nose for any overuse.

Want an example? According to their Website one of the major players in the market will charge you 60p per MB of data you've overused. That's per MB not GB and as we know there are 1000 MB's in a GB so a one GB over use could end up costing you £600! That's not a typo work it out for yourself.

If you happen to be abroad on holiday I shudder to think how much extra that's going to cost you and sadly as you've signed a contract you can't get out of paying no matter how unreasonable you think it is.

Discover what you need to do today to protect yourself by reading the rest of this article here Mobile Data Scams And How To Avoid Them

PS 500 MB's of data included in most contracts is a lot less than you may think no matter what the salesperson may have told you!

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