Saturday, 17 September 2011

An Alternative For The Utility Warehouse Cash Back Card

The Utility Warehouse has a pre paid cash back card enables you to save money shopping at various supermarkets and retailers. It's used by them as the icing on the cake and as a bonus for signing up with them for your utilities like gas, electricity, phone, mobile phone and broadband.

In many cases UW are not the cheapest supplier of these services and a large proportion of any money you save by switching to them is made up by this cash back scheme.

Santander have just released a cash back credit card that will give you 1% on supermarket shopping, 2% at certain department stores and 3% for buying petrol. It does have a £26 per year fee which means at 1% cash back you need to spend at least £2,600 to break even but for most people that's going to be easily done.

Also this is a credit card so no messing about topping it up before use and although UW's card will give you 3% for supermarket shopping I still think the Sanander 123 card could be a good fit for most people.

I'm going to apply for one and I'll let you all know how it turns out.

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