Sunday, 6 March 2011

Are You Getting The Best Gas And Electricity Prices?

With the cost of energy going up year on year and oil well over $100 per barrel making savings on gas and electricity bills has gone from desirable to essential. Many people in the UK now are struggling to put food on the table never mind find the extra money needed to pay for inflated utility bills.

Even switching supplier is no guarantee you're getting the best possible price because the energy companies are changing tariffs many times in a year so what was once the best deal could now be average.

In the UK there are three types of energy supplier you could choose.

  1. Traditional energy suppliers like British Gas and Npower
  2. Savings Clubs like the Utility Warehouse
  3. Group savings schemes like Incahoot
Stories about the Utility Warehouse Scam and the large energy suppliers scam (although mot true) have left the public with a deep suspision of anyone attempting to get them to change suppliers.

Enter the new kid on the block Incahoot. Incahoot is one of the new generation of companies entering the utilities market which claims it can give you the best electricity and gas prices in the UK today.

It can offer cheaper prices because it behaves like a club. By buying energy on the wholesale market in bulk on behalf of its clients (you) it can negotiate a much better price than any individual could get (up to 30%+ cheaper) and it then passes these savings on to you the consumer.

The more people that sign on the better price they can get and the more money you save. I believe more and more people will switch to this type of supplier because not only are they cheaper but they are much more transparent and therefore in my opinion more trustworthy. They don't have a sales force on commission eating into the discounts so you can save more money.

If your utilities are coming up for renewal Incahoot may well be worth a look as at the moment they are cheaper and are offering a free Smart Meter when you sign up for a dual fuel tariff.